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Below is a small sample of #1 rankings we have generated within the natural (non-sponsored) listings of Google.

 Just a few samples of rankings we have generated for our clients:  (testimonies available below)
michaels flower shoppe - First page of Google (out of 247,000 results)
national floral design - First page of Yahoo (out of 76,000 results)
casaazza cavaliers - First page of Google (out of 2,500,000 results)
demotta's contracting - Second page of Google (out of 77,300 results)
suffolk towing - First page of Google (out of 187,000 results)

Since 1998, our staff has generated literally tens of thousands of first page rankings within the major search engines.
Call us today at 1-631-848-1156, or request a custom quote through our online form.

Testimonies we have received from our clients:

"You have done a job. To go from not even ranking at all to being in the first page of google in most of our keywords is great."

Owner of Michaels Flower Shoppe

"In the last six months of the first year, we have jumped to even higher positioning on the major search engines and now we are on the first page of google. Revenues associated with clients from internet referrals increased and doubled so far. This service has paid for itself many times over for us, and we highly recommend Domain Hits to improve website visibility, particularly with the targeted search phrases."

Casazza Cavaliers

" We are a small local contracting company in the heart of Maine I was skeptical myself, but within the first 90 days of starting this service, our sales took off. I know that as a fact because I track every single call. I know for certain that most of our increased sales have been through our increased presence within the search engines. Months later, our sales are continuing to grow each month! The only regret I have about this service is that I wish we had started it sooner."

Demotta's Contracting

"Hey guys thanks for all your help in getting us on the internet. Our visitors have since increased by 100% and more importantly we love being on the first page of google. When someone types in "long island towing" we are there thats a beautiful thing. We could not ask for a more responsive, professional staff than you have at Domain Hits. You have displayed a commitment to our internet business that went far beyond our expectations." 

Nick Conroy, President and owner
Suffolk Towing

Hello, thanks for giving me this chance to tell you how much you have done for my florist. We could not be found on the internet and through a referral we found you guys. That was a life saver, especially with the economy being so poor right now i can use a little help with sales leads. Thanks so much for all your help.  

Steve Ruth, President and owner
National Floral Design


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